ISO 39001:2012
Sidiropoulos Transport S.A from 26/1/2015 has installed and implements the Road Safety Management System in accordance with the strict requirements of the International standard ISO 39001: 2012.
Operation according to ISO 39001: 2012
In the context of the implementation of this standard, the company has issued the Road Safety Policy through which the company’s management is committed to:
- Its compliance with current legislation and other Community requirements
- Continuous improvement of the performance of the Road Safety Management System
- The establishment and monitoring of objective and quantified measurement indicators
- The provision of the required resources for Road Safety
Staff training according to ISO 39001: 2012
All employees have been informed and are responsible for the implementation of the Road Safety system while making continuous efforts to improve its performance. The ultimate goal of Sidiropoulos Transport S.A is the road transport of goods, with zero accidents and zero consequences on the health of all stakeholders (customers, company employees, subcontractors, society, public and private entities).
Η διοίκηση της εταιρείας δεσμεύεται για την τήρηση του συστήματος, τη συνεχή βελτίωση της επίδοσής του και για την παροχή των απαιτούμενων πόρων για την Οδική Ασφάλεια. Κατά την ετήσια ανασκόπηση του Διεθνές Προτύπου ISO 39001:2012, η παρούσα πολιτική τροποποιείται ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες της εταιρείας και με γνώμονα τη συνεχή βελτίωση του.
The management of the company is committed to the maintenance of the system, the continuous improvement of its performance and to the provision of the required resources for Road Safety. During the annual review of the International Standard ISO 39001: 2012, this policy is modified according to the needs of the company and in order to continuously improve it.
Quality and Road Safety Policy
Quality and Road Safety is the cornerstone for achieving the goals of Sidiropoulos Transport SA. Our commitment is the constant effort to recognize the requirements of customers and provide services that meet their requirements. In this context, we implement a quality management system and road safety for the whole range of our activities.
Through this management system we seek to achieve the following:
• Upgrading the internal organization of processes, products and services of the company through the implementation of a management system based on the standards ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 39001: 2012.
• Continuous improvement of the management system under the responsibility of the General Directorate and through techniques, such as internal inspections of the management system, corrective actions, actions to deal with threats and seize opportunities, analysis of data resulting from communication with customers, administrative review of the system including this policy.
• The allocation by the management of all those necessary resources that will aim at the continuous upgrade of the management system ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 39001: 2012.
• The respect, implementation, compliance of the company with the current legislation and other Community regulatory requirements.
• The continuous upgrade of the services it offers to its customers.
The policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it is consistently in line with the requirements of all stakeholders (customers, company employees, subcontractors, community). The management and the executives of Sidiropoulos Transport SAs are committed to the continuous observance and upgrade of the Quality Policy and Road Safety.
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)
Sidiropoulos Transport has been awarded the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) certification, further reinforcing our commitment to responsible practices in environmental, social, and corporate governance areas. This certification highlights our efforts to minimize our environmental impact, promote transparency in governance, and support social values, ensuring that we operate with integrity and sustainability. The ESG certification is a valuable addition to our portfolio, demonstrating our leadership in the transport sector and our dedication to a sustainable future.